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    Antes de mais, bem-vindo a bordo. É um prazer servi-lo e garantir que o seu percurso pela Grécia Antiga é o mais agradável possível. Conheço estes mares melhor que ninguém, mas uma conta no fórum da comunidade é sempre bastante útil para navegar em segurança - registe-se já .

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    Podes pilhar 5 favores por unidade ao atacares cidades inimigas ou aliadas, com a pesquisa "Pilhagem de Templos" feita.

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Hello, My name is Felipe, I am a eighteen-year-old-brazilian and i play grepolis in the Portugal Server because there isn't a brazilian server, but i love this game. :D (i'm sorry for my poor english)
Nice to meet all and let's play Grepolis now!!


Sod it,

Wasn´t this an off-topic?

It is suppose to spam... Or isn´t it?

Forget it... Spam anyway


Uau um sítio onde podemos usar expressões em inglês sem sermos banidos? E eu estou a escrever em português? Uau!!! :D

Ahhh, what should I say...hum...

I think this area of the EF is somewhat unnecessary, that's why this is a dead topic.

It was only used for some bunch of kids..."Hey look at me, I know how to spell my name in English...duh!" ;)


This is where you can let everyone know about upcoming worlds on every server besides the portuguese one -.-'
It's an useful topic, it won't be closed, at all..


This is where you can let everyone know about upcoming worlds on every server besides the portuguese one -.-'
It's an useful topic, it won't be closed, at all..

yeah...well...where are the news about those worlds? --"


how dare you :mad:
How dare you set foot in this holy place? :mad:


All you need is love...pa-pa-parara,
All you need is love...pa-pa-parara,
All you need is love, love...lol

How dare you talk to me!? You holy cow!:eek: