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    Podes pilhar 5 favores por unidade ao atacares cidades inimigas ou aliadas, com a pesquisa "Pilhagem de Templos" feita.

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Perguntas para a equipa de desenvolvimento

  • Iniciador do tópico DeletedUser4
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Because Grepolis APIs currently only return TXT or GZ?

Another thing is that many new functions have been added in the game, since the creation of the API, because the same is not updated?


Lol, your english is just rusty at all kkk

The questions where not just about the spartans assassins? Well, the quest is just ; the points are delivered by a random generator right? there are equal probability to have 20 points in any one of the spartans?


We’d like to end Spartan Assassins event by hearing you guys out.
--> It's not clear that the subject is only Spartan Assassins, so... here it goes!

Where, and how, can a client, talk about the Team controlling the National server, in any country so that the questions aren't forward to the same team and/or admin of the country? If i complain about a team member of grepois.br, as an example, why isn't Innogames that answers me and instead, is the admin of grepolis.br? That is NOT a good policy. I think....


Why questions just in inglish ?:mad:

Is it because the developers only speak English and German?

Lol, your english is just rusty at all kkk

The questions where not just about the spartans assassins? Well, the quest is just ; the points are delivered by a random generator right? there are equal probability to have 20 points in any one of the spartans?

I know, but important thing is that I tried.

On the question of being just about the event, is not what 's written there, I believe.


I hope to know one day:

What happened to the "Statue" wonder bug on Corinto?
How is it possible? And how is it possible to happen and you remain as if nothing happened?

Here is my questions.
Última edição por um moderador:


In the World Corinto PT we saw severall number os bugs.

Grepolis already exists for a few ammount of years and the devolepement have been based on gold spending. When you make a game based on game spending there are no space at all for any kind of bug.

When is grepolis going to be a secure game do play and to spend our money?

The main question is, when is it secure to be spending gold and not having any kind of problems with any kind of bug. (since the bug of the new players beeing badly separated by the oceans, the bug od a World Wonder (Statue) that almost caused us to louse the 7 Wonders, etc etc.

Thanks for your time.



In the World Corinto PT we saw severall number os bugs.

Grepolis already exists for a few ammount of years and the devolepement have been based on gold spending. When you make a game based on game spending there are no space at all for any kind of bug.

When is grepolis going to be a secure game do play and to spend our money?

The main question is, when is it secure to be spending gold and not having any kind of problems with any kind of bug. (since the bug of the new players beeing badly separated by the oceans, the bug od a World Wonder (Statue) that almost caused us to louse the 7 Wonders, etc etc.

Thanks for your time.


Why not PNC on marco ? i don't understand you're in vacations but still your need your daily PNC.

No jokes now.
When they implant some type of anti-bot sistem on all servers ? if they don't do that, legalize the bot and make a free version for all and a premium version for who have capability to spend money on games...
I said this because is so unfair, playing vs bot players...


Innogames. There are OTHER online browser games, that have journalists, a journal, interviews, something else that makes users feel they are part of the family of that game. What do we have here, in grepolis.pt? Nothing! Better saying, an update to the rank of the servers that is made at the 15th day of each month!! How about a change for better ways? I can point you to other online games, if you don't know them already, where that things, approches the community to the games. You need help doing that? And i'm asking this just because i'm sick and tired of speaking to a Big Sturdy Wall around here.

Put the wall down.

Build a bridge.



This are only examples. And the question is: Why can they use tools, but in grepolis.pt the same tools are NOT ALLOWED?!?!?!


Yeah... no answers to the portuguese questions... right....


Yeah... no answers to the portuguese questions... right....

No post Sessão de perguntas e respostas com a equipa de desenvolvimento foram respondidas a algumas questões. Infelizmente desta vez não foram selecionadas questões do FE português. Mas também tal como diz no post " If you haven’t found all the answers, don’t worry! The second Q&A will come soon, so stay tuned! ": Um segundo Q&A está para breve! Esperemos que na próxima tenhamos algumas dúvidas portuguesas respondidas :)

Última edição por um moderador:


1 - Why it is not yet possible vializar or publish reports on the application of Grepolis ?